Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why does Human resources not take the complaints of men seriously ...

Whenever a man complains about a female coworker with human resources he ends up targeted by human resources, send off to partecipate at a mandatory and humiliating sesitivity course although he is not the offender but the recipient of offense, or worse ?

Pretty broad, sweeping assessment, wouldn't you say?

In fact, if you are to use the term 'human resources' as a general one ? rather than referring to any specific company, then I would suggest that you are very wrong in your assessment. the theories of 'human resources' are very inclusive of both genders ? it is, however, in the implementation or practice of it by certain companies that you may find gender biases?

EDIT: perhaps, Cassius, you should include your HR training and credentials, and then we can discuss your professional grasp of the departmental structure?.

Of course? after all, these are the women who were hired based on needing to have such and such number of women employed. so they hire them for the least demanding position when it comes to skill, morals, or competence ? human resources.

So, unless the guy is "super hot" then they will not only ignore his complaint but actually work against/target him like you said.

On flip side, if he is "super hot" they'll do anything to get his attention ? especially defame, back stab, and destroy other women.

Ryde on is quite right on. I worked in HR, and it is my experience as well, that this field is women-dominated, on an average.

That's not to say that they are ALL biased though. I've worked with plenty of level headed women, who took a report in all its seriousness despite the gender of the complainant.

In two particular companies that I worked for, there were more complaints from women than from men, and some of the women were indeed close friends (surprising) with some of the men that they complained about. LOL !

Perhaps, the society, media and such play an important role in such issues.

The same reason that men in general are discriminated against much more often than women. In an attempt to end the discriminations against women and minority groups that once existed in this country a policy of reverse discrimination has taken effect instead of making everyone equal regardless of gender or race. for some reason this country can't seem to find any balance, there always has to be some inequality instead of fairness.

Uh, you SAY that that's what happens "whenever" a man complains.

Your saying something doesn't make it true. I find it extremely unlikely the EVERY time a man tries to lodge a complaint, he's sent to sensitivity training.

They have to take valid complaints seriously. I bet someone just got sent to 'training'.

I've never seen my companies HR department respond to anyone's complaint.. man, woman, it makes no difference?.

I say you need to start looking for a new job where the HR department can be professional!!

You are a man and you should shut up and follow

you mean that feeling ?

Why does Human resources not take the complaints of men seriously ?

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