Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Can Overcome This Stutter!

If there is one thing I dislike in life it is negative people. In truth there are some people out there who could argue that they have a reason to be negative ? I was one ? why? Well because I developed a speech impediment (a stutter) when I was four years of age. As the years went by and as I became older I started to become some what annoyed at the very poor standard of therapy that was available ? I am talking about the speech and language therapy here ? and this is where I came into contact with some of the most negative people that I have ever met!

As an example when I was aged fourteen I became very frustrated during one speech therapy session that I was attending. It was a one-on-one session with a nice lady who unfortunately was not helping me with my speech one bit. I stated to her, in a rather angry voice, that the therapy was not working and that to merely speak slower and to take a deep breath before I spoke was obviously not the answer ? there must be far more to it than just this ? I was fully aware of just how complex a problem stuttering was. The speech therapist seemed to be taken aback with the fact that I had challenged her and replied by informing me that there was no known cure for stuttering and that I should start accepting the fact that I will have this form of speech impediment for the rest of my life.

Well you can probably imagine how this made me feel. Let?s just say this was the last time I ever went to see this particular speech therapist. I did however explain to her before I left that I believed that she was wrong. Even back then despite having a stutter I was a positive person and a person who was determined to achieve total fluency. I stated to her that I could talk perfectly fluently when speaking to myself and when speaking to my best friend and that I do therefore have the capability of talking fluently. I also confirmed to her that I would never accept that I would have the stutter for the rest of my life.

At the age of twenty-two I managed to overcome the stutter and fifteen years later my life is now a breeze!

If you would like information about the latest stuttering or stammering treatments please feel free to visit our website at


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