Thursday, May 24, 2012

Setting Goals for a Healthier You: How to Figure out What You Want ...

Starting Out

If you?re serious about getting healthy, it?s time to set some goals. Nothing feels as good as reaching a goal you?ve set for yourself. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, eat healthier, or just remember to take your vitamins, setting achievable goals is the first step on the journey to a healthier you.

There are many ways to set your goals. One way to do it is to ask yourself a basic line of questions: ?Who, what, when, where, and why?? The answers to these questions will help you create a framework for your goal, and make it less likely for you to make impulsive decisions.

Who? When it comes to changing your habits, you want a partner in crime. Find someone who wants to make similar goals, whether it?s a boyfriend/girlfriend, cousin, friend, co-worker, etc. Their support and companionship will help you stay on track. Starting or finding a support group is a great way to have people who can not only relate to you, but also help you pull through a rough patch.

What? Set specific, achievable goals. Be realistic. An achievable goal is one you can measure. ?I want to have a banging? body? is not a good goal, because you can?t measure that. How do you know when you?ve achieved it? ?I want to be able to run 5 miles without getting winded? is better, because it?s measurable.

When? Ask yourself how much time you can realistically spend working toward your goal. For example, if you work a 9-to-5 job, making a goal to do cardio four times a week for 30 minutes makes sense, where spending three hours strength training every day might not. If your goals are diet related, plan your meals ahead if possible, and try to make mealtime consistent every day.

Where? Figure out where you are going to work towards your goals. Do you have the extra money to spend on a gym membership? Are you more of an outdoorsy type? Do you need a lot of variety in your workout environment so you don?t get bored? Is there an organic supermarket that sells produce at affordable prices? Map out where you will go on your hunt for health.

Why? This is possibly the most important question of all. Why are you setting goals to improve your health? There could many reasons: overall well being, improving self-confidence, creating good habits, reducing a health issue, or training for a marathon. Guess what? They?re all totally valid! Having a clear picture of why you?re doing what you?re doing will help you to accomplish it.

Staying on Board

Sticking to your goals should be a goal in itself. Falling off the wagon is easy, especially if you are creating new habits. So reward your milestones as you go. Get a massage or treat yourself to a nice dinner. When you find yourself slacking, remember your reward, and you?ll find inspiration pronto.

Tying your reward to your milestone helps you focus better, too. For instance, if you?re trying to lose weight, reward yourself with new (smaller!) clothes that fit. Having a reward that specifically relates to your goals will help make achieving them even more fantastic.

Also, track your progress. Buy a journal or make an excel spreadsheet. Doesn?t matter; just record your advancement. Recording your progress will help prevent you from being too lenient with yourself. You will also have a record of what you did on any given day.

Preparing for the Future

As you work toward your goal, think about how you will maintain your goals. Knowing what you need to do to stay on top of your game will save yourself a lot of trouble. In general, plan ahead and your chances for success will be great! Good luck!

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